INVITATION to join the Ars Sacra Festival with your programmes! 18TH ARS SACRA FESTIVAL – 14-22 SEPTEMBER 2024 Motto: “"The fruit of that righteousness will be peace" Is 32,17
The aim of the Ars Sacra Festival programmes is to enable people of today to learn about European culture with its traditional Judeo-Christian foundations and to discover its richness through art. We welcome everyone from all over Hungary and across the border to participate in the festival with artistic activities.
Museums, exhibition spaces, galleries and studios - with sacred exhibitions, guided tours, museum educational activities
Cultural centres, educational centres - by involving theatres, visual and applied artists, performing artists, movement artists
Visual and applied artists - with exhibitions, open studios
Musicians - with concerts
Theatres - with plays on sacred themes, literary evenings
Churches - by introducing the church, holding exhibitions, presentations and concerts
Schools - with literary performances, recitation competitions, exhibitions, music programmes
Local historians, art historians, architects - by presenting sacred buildings, organising thematic excursions and walks
Local governments - make their institutions available for the local Ars Sacra Festival, in their budget, they set aside money for the implementation of the local Ars Sacra Festival, they coordinate the local programs
HOW YOU CAN JOIN: Register at and upload your programme by 15 July 2024
You can apply with a new or existing programme that can be visited free of charge or viewed online - even for a short period - during the Festival.
Programmes uploaded after the deadline will not be lost, however, for technical reasons they will no longer be included in the printed programme booklet, but will be announced on the website.
ARS SACRA FOUNDATION Phone: +36 30 145 1284; Email: Address: 1123 Budapest, Győri út 2/c.
Download Invitation Letter here: